Bedfordshire Virtual Business Support
Event details
Come along to find out how about our panellists’ funded schemes and grants can support businesses in the county with: moving towards net zero carbon, attracting and training staff, trading safely with Covid19 and recovering from the effects of the pandemic so your businesses can thrive and grow!
There will be plenty of time to ask your questions of our panel on any of the above topics and you can also submit questions beforehand. Open to all businesses, both FSB members and non-members are welcome to attend, so feel free to share with your networks in the county.
Host: Lauren Dovey, FSB Development Manager
Panellists: SEMLEP’s Growth Hub, a local council, a local university, FSB Membership Advisor, Serco (Skills Support for the Workforce)
We would love to hear from you. If you have any questions you would like to ask the panelist please email them to prior to the event.
Event contact
For help and support regarding this event, please telephone our dedicated events helpline 01253 336028 or email
Book now.