FSB Question Time: the future of the High Street
This national webinar will examine the issues affecting all businesses and consumers on the future of the High Street.
Event details
This free interactive webinar is the last in the series of FSB East of England Question Time webinars. This session will focus on the future of the High Street and is chaired by Pam Charman, FSB Area Lead.
Our panel of influential politicians and entrepreneurs will take your questions and will examine how the high street can survive and thrive in a post Covid world.
- FSBĀ Area Lead Malcolm Lyons
- Cllr Mandy McNeil, Chair of St Albans BID
- Rachel Hopkins, MP for Luton South
- Gennaro Borrelli, Leighton Buzzard High Street Special Interest Group Chair
- Representative from Huntingdonshire District Council
You will be invited to submit a question for the event as part of the registration process.
Event contact
For general enquiries regarding the event, please telephone our dedicated events helpline 01253 336028 or email csdeventsupport@fsb.org.uk