Sustainable Airborne Research and Atmospheric Science Symposium
The National Centre for Atmospheric Science is hosting a Sustainable Airborne Research and Atmospheric Science Symposium on Tuesday 12 September 2023, at the Digital Aviation Research and Technology Centre, Cranfield University.
The Sustainable Airborne Research and Atmospheric Science Symposium will:
- bring together the UK airborne research, aviation, and environmental science communities.
- provide an opportunity to discuss the ways in which airborne research and innovation can play a responsible role in addressing environmental issues such as climate change, hazardous weather and air pollution.
- cover topics such as sustainable aviation fuel and ground power, miniaturisation and mass reduction of systems and instrumentation, coordinated science campaigns, and relevant Jet Zero ambitions – and more to be confirmed.
- encourage attendees to think and act as responsible research innovators, and contribute to conversations about recognising and minimising the environmental impacts of our airborne scientific activities.
- focus on the FAAM Airborne Laboratory, managed by the National Centre for Atmospheric Science, and how its Mid-Life Upgrade sets out to maintain and improve the performance of the facility, while minimising emissions and resource use from aircraft operation.