A business opportunity like no other

This year, the UK government has partnered with business owners and respected climate groups to help businesses like you to cut carbon emissions and protect the planet.
Whatever size your business or industry you’re in, your commitment could make a real difference – to your business, to your customers, to your community, to the planet – and to your energy bills!
That’s why the UK government has created the UK Business Climate Hub, a campaign that asks UK small businesses of up to 250 employees to join the fight against climate change by committing to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions.
Even the smallest businesses produce carbon emissions – it could be through your building, your vehicles or your supply chain. The UK government is asking you to commit to cutting those carbon emissions in half by 2030 and to reach ‘net zero’ by 2050. Net zero means that you are putting no more carbon into the atmosphere than you are taking out of it.
When you commit, you’ll get the tools to help you understand your emissions, how to tackle them, and how to share what you’re doing with your customers and your community.
2021 is the time. This November the UK government is hosting a major conference in Glasgow where world leaders will get together to commit to urgent action to tackle the climate emergency. It’s called COP26, and all eyes will be on the UK to agree the most ambitious plans to fight climate change the world has ever seen.
And you can be part of it. Become one of thousands of small business climate leaders across the UK this year and commit today at the UK Business Climate Hub.

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