Business leaders appointed to drive sustainable growth in the region

New private sector non-executive directors join public-private partnership that works to secure the right conditions for businesses to succeed.
The South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP) has appointed three new business leaders to its Board:
• Andrea Wilson (Director, Hone-All Precision)
• Professor Christopher Fogwill (Pro-Vice Chancellor and Head of School for Water, Energy and the Environment, Cranfield University)
• Anna Clarke (Group Director: Employer Engagement and Partnerships, Milton Keynes College Group and non-executive Director of Milton Keynes and Northamptonshire Chambers of Commerce)
• The Board also welcomed Rachel Mcgrath, Chief Executive Officer of the Northamptonshire Community Foundation, to the Board in September 2022 as an Observer representing voluntary and community sectors and social enterprise.
The Local Enterprise Partnership is a public private partnership that helps to deliver the Government’s plans for sustainable economic growth locally and tailored to the needs of local areas. The Enterprise Partnership is tasked by Government to support local businesses to strengthen their resilience, to innovate and, to secure the skills they for productive employment.
These appointments come as the organisation develops its business plan for the year 2023-24 onwards. The new Board Directors bring expertise in strategic business areas including an understanding of the needs of local engineering businesses, the opportunity for Further Education and training organisations to fulfil those needs and, first-hand experience of excellence in research and the application of climate science, low carbon technologies, smart energy systems and energy security.
Speaking ahead of their first Board meeting, Andrea Wilson said, “I’m delighted to be joining the Board of SEMLEP and am really looking forward to learning more about their activities, their future strategy and adding my wealth of experience as an SME in the Manufacturing sector to help shape and inform future activities.”
Professor Chris Fogwill said, “It is an honour to join the SEMLEP board, I am excited to bring a new voice to the team in service of the region. I hope I can help SEMLEP realise its ambition to build skills, drive growth and achieve net zero during my term.”
Anna Clarke said, “I’m very excited about joining the SEMLEP Board. Helping to develop the skills of people in our region to support the needs of local employers and businesses is something I’m very passionate about and I look forward to bringing my expertise on how education can make a positive difference in this area.”
New members were officially endorsed at the SEMLEP Annual General Meeting in December 2022, ready to join the first Board meeting of 2023.
The SEMLEP Board is responsible for scrutinising the performance of the Local Enterprise and provides stewardship of funds, programmes, and projects. For more information, and to view all SEMLEP’s Board Members, please visit:
IMAGE Top left, Andrea Wilson. Top right Rachel McGrath. Bottom left, Professor Christopher Fogwill. Bottom right, Anna Clarke.