Central Bedfordshire Council Budget 2016 - have your say
At the end of February, Central Bedfordshire Council will agree funding for local services such as highways, business support, employment and skills and public protection services, alongside a wide range of resident services, as it sets the budget for April 2016 - March 2017. These decisions affect everyone and the Council are seeking your views on the spending plans.
The Council has had to factor in some other issues into spending plans, ensuring that vital frontline services are protected and maintained. In particular these include:
•A £12m reduction in central government funding for 2016/17
•Greater demand for care services reflecting population changes
At a time when council spending is squeezed but there is increased demand on services, the budget proposals are to:
• Increase the Council’s share of Council Tax by just under 2 per cent
• Introduce an additional 2 per cent levy to support adult care services
• Deliver savings of £15.3m through a range of measures
The consultation closes 5pm on the 8th February 2016.
For further details and to have your say on the Council’s budget plans please visit Central Bedfordshire Council Consultation