Central Bedfordshire Local Plan update: proposed timetable for adoption released
Following confirmation from the Planning Inspectors in November that Central Bedfordshire Council can continue to develop its current Local Plan, officers have been proactively preparing a work programme and detailed timetable for progressing the Local Plan to adoption, which was submitted to the Inspectors 13th January.
The Inspectors had previously requested a timetable was provided alongside an update on the planning application for the M1-A6 road link, once permitted. In November, the Secretary of State confirmed it would not be calling in this application and the decision notice granting approval for the M1-A6 link road was issued 9th January. As such, the detailed Local Plan work programme, along with an update on the M1-A6 link road has now been sent to the Inspectors.
The Council has committed the resources required to deliver the additional work in a timely and efficient manner. As such, work has been progressing on resolving those issues raised by the Inspectors already, and the detailed timetable commits the council to completing and submitting any new evidence required by the end of April.
The timetable allows for additional hearing sessions to be held at the start of the summer, which will allow for participants to make representations on the new evidence. Once finalised, following these hearings, any Modifications recommended to the plan will be subject to public consultation, with the aim of adopting the Local Plan by the end of the year.
The Council hope the Inspectors will agree to the timetable proposed, which maintains a robust and inclusive process, but which also seeks to progress the Local Plan to adoption without further delay.
For transparency, the correspondence has been made available on the examination section of the council’s website for everyone to see. You can access it via the following link: https://centralbedfordshire.box.com/s/rn0v0o7ua5ytd8sckv48pxbe799jc1gr
For further information please contact: Karen Aspinall, Head of Communications Channels and Campaigns on 0300 300 6286 or email karen.aspinall@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk.