Central Bedfordshire rated as third least polluting region in the East of England

A study measuring how much CO2 is produced by vehicles idling in England has found that Central Bedfordshire is the third least polluting region in the East of England.
The study, completed by SaveOnEnergy.com, measured the average of hours of delay as well as the average kg of CO2 per vehicle across all local authority regions using data published by central government. Using this data, the study found that the East of England region is the least polluting region, with Central Bedfordshire third across this area. Central Bedfordshire was 25th out of 159 local authorities across the whole of England.
Cllr Steven Dixon, Executive Member for Sustainability and Transformation, said, “It’s fantastic to see that the air quality and environment within central Bedfordshire is some of the cleanest within the East of England, as well the country overall. We recognise that there is still a lot to do so improving the health and wellbeing of our residents is one of our key priorities, and reducing pollution is one of the steps within our sustainability plan.”
(Picture - Westminster Pond in Ampthill)