Consultation launched on Central Bedfordshire’s Validation Guide and Local Validation Checklists
Central Bedfordshire Council invites businesses and residents to have their say on improving the way planning applications are submitted. The consultation is open and will accept feedback until Friday, 13 September, at 10 am.
The documents involved are known as the Validation Guide and varied local validation checklists required to be completed when submitting planning applications.
This Validation Guide is designed to assist applicants in completing and submitting planning applications. The guide and checklists aim to streamline the application process, ensuring the right documents are submitted from the outset and reducing the need for resubmissions.
To contribute, participants should use the online portal to submit their comments by 10 am on Friday, 13 September.
Cllr Adam Zerny, Leader of Central Bedfordshire Council, said: “Submitting a planning application can be a minefield for businesses and residents, so we’re eager to make some changes to speed up the process and save public money. We want to hear what the people have to say.”
For more information and to make your views known please visit our website to view the Validation Guide and local validation checklists, please visit