Have your say on Central Bedfordshire Council’s budget
Residents and businesses can have their say on Central Bedfordshire Council’s draft budget which includes proposals for spending, savings and no increase to Council Tax in 2023/24.
Despite a challenging financial climate caused by rising inflation and increasing demand for services, the Council’s prudent financial management and planning mean the financial pressures can be absorbed.
Our budget does not include any cuts to services, more funding for services to support vulnerable children and adults and, in recognition of the current cost of living pressure residents are facing, the Council is not proposing to increase its share of Council Tax in next financial year*.
Cllr David Shelvey, Executive Member for Corporate Resources said: “This year is challenging. Inflation has added an extra £16.6 million to our running costs, while demand for our adult social care and children’s services increases. Many councils are concerned as they face huge funding gaps and tough decisions to reduce services and increase Council Tax.
“But we’re ahead of other councils in terms of taking a proactive approach; budgeting for increasing inflation and making efficiencies to reduce our operating costs so that we’re able to offset these pressures. We are also extremely mindful that our residents are facing rising costs of living and we’re pleased to be able to use some of our reserves so that we do not need to raise our share of Council Tax next year.
“This means we can continue to provide the vital services you expect from us through these financially challenging times and we can continue to work hard to support residents with the cost of living through a range of schemes and look after our most vulnerable children and adults.”
The budget also includes plans to invest in new facilities such as new care homes, schools, roads and leisure centres.
A consultation on the budget is now open for feedback and will remain open until 24 January 2023. Everyone is encouraged to have their say by completing our online survey www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/budget