Have your say on Electric Vehicle Charging guidance for new developments
Central Bedfordshire Council is inviting residents to have their say on proposals that will set new standards for electric vehicle charging in new developments.
The council is committed to tackling the climate challenge, maximising opportunities to develop cleaner and greener modes of travel and seeks to support the implementation and rollout of an Electric Vehicle (EV) charging network, is just one way the council can contribute.
The Electric Vehicle Charging: Guidance for New Developments Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), sets out the council’s requirement for the provision of electric vehicle charging points in new development, which covers housing, commercial and other development, such as educational settings and gyms. The proposals define the council’s expectations for active and passive provision in new developments, helping to avoid residents and businesses facing unnecessary costs of retrofitting electric vehicle charge points. It also seeks to help make the requirements from developers clearer.
Councillor Kevin Collins, Executive Member for Planning and Regeneration, said: “We are absolutely dedicated to becoming more sustainable across Central Bedfordshire. We recognise the significant benefits of electric vehicles, particularly in relation to air quality and their contribution in reducing carbon emissions.
“Usage of electric vehicles in our area is growing, alongside demand for charging infrastructure and we have a part to play in helping to make clearer the requirements for charge point provision in all new developments coming forward.
“We are also investing in charge points in our car parks and across our highways network as well as looking at innovative charging solutions for residents without off-street parking.”
The consultation is open for six weeks (Wednesday 15 June 2022- Thursday 28 July 2022). Full details are available on the council’s website: www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/consultations. Paper copies will be available to view in the council’s libraries and main offices in Chicksands and Dunstable. If anyone has difficulties accessing the documents, please contact the Strategic Growth Team by telephoning 0300 300 8307 or by email to localplan@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk.
Once the consultation has closed, the Council will consider the comments received and make any necessary changes to the document. A summary of the comments received and how they’ve been taken into account will be presented to the council’s meeting of Executive in Autumn, alongside the revised Electric Vehicle Charging: Guidance for New Developments document. Subject to adoption, the SPD will be a material consideration in determining planning applications and all development proposals be required to demonstrate that they have taken it into consideration.