How healthy is your building?

The UK Business Council for Sustainable Development (UK BCSD), in partnership with Central Bedfordshire Council, are inviting businesses to The Healthy Buildings Conference at Millbrook Proving Ground’s iconic Concept 1 building on the 9th July 2015.
With the help of a range industry leading speakers we will be exploring:
- What are healthy buildings, and what does the latest research and exemplar buildings tell us about the benefits of them?
- Are healthy buildings the next logical step on from low carbon and sustainable buildings?
- How do healthy buildings fit in with the National Planning Policy Framework and wider zero carbon agenda?
- Best practice and examples of buildings and developments putting these principles into practice.
- Your opportunity to highlight projects you’ve been involved with that deliver on all, or some, of the elements that you consider to be features of a healthy building.
- Workshop sessions to allow you to have your say and contribute to this evolving area of work.
- An opportunity for you to network and share ideas with delegates from a wide range of backgrounds and disciplines, as well as to highlight the exemplar projects you have been involved with.
More details, including how to book you place, submit a case study for the ‘photo-tour’ or to find out more about sponsorship opportunities please visit the UK BCSD events page.