More than £7 million of European funding unveiled for South East Midlands

Over £7.6 million* of European funding is now available for projects that help people into employment and support young people across the South East Midlands to earn or learn.
Around £1.2 million is set to support young people not in education, employment or training while £6.4 million is earmarked to help the unemployed and economically inactive get into work. The funding is part of South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership’s (SEMLEP’s) European Structural Investment Funding (ESIF), from its European Social Fund (ESF).
Eligible projects must be based in the South East Midlands, an area which covers Aylesbury, Bedford, Central Bedfordshire, Cherwell, Corby, Daventry, Kettering, Luton, Milton Keynes, Northampton and South Northamptonshire.
Organisations are invited to submit outline applications for one or both calls by 13th May, 2016. Applications should be for a minimum of £300,000 and 50% of match providing must be provided.
For further details and to download the ESF Call Specifications please go to SEMLEP’s ESIF portal and click on LIVE CALLS.
*the sterling value may change dependent on exchange rate fluctuations.

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