Support your Small Business on Saturday 4 December
From Black Friday to Cyber Monday and then straight into the Christmas shopping season, the idea of shopping even more might not be appealing to everyone. However, Small Business Saturday is a campaign that highlights small businesses and encourages people to ‘shop local’ to support small businesses in their communities.
Now in its ninth year, Small Business Saturday takes place on the first Saturday in December and has grown into a grass roots campaign from across the pond into a staple in the calendar.
This year has continued to be huge challenge for small businesses, making it even more vital to support and promote our small business communities.
In response to COVID-19 and to support the Council’s Vision 2050 ambitions and our Economic Strategy priorities, the Investment, Employment & Skills Team have been supporting businesses to recover and grow.
Small Business Saturday is just one initiative that the team are working on to help businesses during these continually testing times and across the country small businesses will be hosting events and offering discounts to customers.
We encourage residents to buy local where you can, in turn you will be supporting the local economy this festive season.
Small Business Saturday has a Small Business Finder to help you find a small business local to you.