Supported Internships looking for business partners
Is your business interested in exploring new recruitment opportunities? Could your business recruit a young person through an internship programme?
Supported Internships are a structured study programme, designed to help 16-24-year old’s with Special Educational Needs (SEND) into paid employment. The young person will spend most of their time in the employment setting and receiving on the job training from the participating business. Highly skilled Job Coaches will be provided to offer support and training during this time, gradually reducing support as the young person is able to work independently.
For 1-2 days a week the young person will receive learning from their education provider and where feasible accreditation in their chosen field of employment.
There is no cost to the employer and is funded through an educational grant from the Education, Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and the Access to Work fund.
Benefits of Supported Employment
Below are extracts from a 2017 study which showed numerous benefits for both employers as well as people with disabilities and difficulties who gain employment
• One study revealed that people with a learning disability had no whole day absences, compared to 1-6 days missed by matched non-disabled co-workers, and they were late only 3 times, compared to 20 times for non-disabled comparators. Proving they are reliable workers that could save you time and money.
• Employers report people with learning disabilities reduce staff turnover, they are grateful and dedicated to their job, staying with an employer for longer. This reduces recruitment costs, advertising, reviewing applications, interviewing and training.
• The average cost of making reasonable adjustments to accommodate workers with disabilities, is only £75.
• From 2,024 employer records of financial effects of accommodations, 65% rated these to be cost neutral.
With the large numbers of disabled people available to work and the huge benefits they bring for employers the internship route is an excellent way for businesses to maximise this potential resource in a safe way.
If you would like more information, please contact Dominic Cox at Central Bedfordshire Council, Tel: 0300 300 6380, email: