The Council continues develop its new Local Plan
The Central Bedfordshire Local Plan will set out a vision for how the area will develop in the future, up to 2035, and makes sure growth happens in a structured way.
Through out the whole process the Council wants to make sure local residents and businesses are involved in the development of the Local Plan.
The process to develop a Local Plan for Central Bedfordshire started in February 2016 and the Call for Sites, which ran until April 2016, was one of the first steps. The Call for Sites was an opportunity for agents, landowners and developers to submit land which they believe could be developed to meet future demand for homes and jobs. The full list of sites which were submitted was published in May 2016 which have not been assessed for suitability or selected for development yet.
In the next few months a draft Local Plan will be published for consultation over six weeks.
For more information on the Local Plan and consultation news click here.